A Velomobile is an enclosed 3 or 4-wheel Human Powered Vehicle (HPV). Using many parts similar to what would be found on a comparable quality bicycle, additional or different parts found on a velomobile include a different type of frame, of course, a smooth outer shell, and commonly a windshield. Some are completely enclosed and weatherproof (like a small car), some have signals, headlights and taillights, windshield wipers, horn, brake light system, and a small parking brake device. Also, some of the more expensive ones may have some type of shock-absorbing suspension, good ventilation system, and even a small interior, electric / solar electric, or human-powered transmission-connected/driven cooling fan.
Velomobiles can be quite expensive, ranging between $3,000 and $10,000. Some may have electric assist as an option. This simply depends on the customer.
The aerodynamics and weather protection are the main advantages for the certain type of customer interested in purchasing one of these cool, useful machines.
Human-Powered-Generator Electric Vehicles (HPGEV's)